Your help would be appreciated!

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Posted by rebecca ( on April 05, 2001 at 16:40:37:

Hi everyone...
I hope you don't mind me asking you some questions, but I am an occupational therapy student and I am working on a project at school about headaches and how they affect your life. What I would ask of you is that you would answer my questions in as detailed a manner as you can, so I can really get a feel of how much headaches get in the way of daily life for you folks. So, here goes... :)
1. Explain what activities you are UNABLE to participate in due to your headaches.
2. Tell me about the activities that you attempt to avoid because you know they would cause you to get a headache.
3. Discuss how the activities that you have no way around participating in, such as your job or being a parent, are affected by your headaches.
4. Do your headaches affect your relationships at home, work, or school? In what ways?
5. How do your headaches affect your mood?
6. In what ways do you attempt to relieve the pain your headaches cause?
Well, that's what I have. If you could touch on each of these questions and add any stories or experiences you think would help me truly understand what it is
like, I would really appreciate it! The point of this project is to really attempt to understand the population I am working with and how it affects the
meaning in their life. I know I will never truly know what you guys are feeling, but I think it is important for me to try to understand. Thanks for your time--it means so much!! Rebecca...please e-mail me at

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