Posted by trip ( on March 28, 2001 at 09:37:47:
In Reply to: NEWBEE QUESTION posted by KATRINA on March 28, 2001 at 06:03:21:
From my own experince,,I think there is a conection with aniety and ch,,,not sure why,,but,,been there- and drinking to control it is very common,,there are millions of people self medicating their selves with alchol.Its a trap, and a cycle,,the drinking makes it worse,then the valium and xanx,trip. None of which hit the underly cause .The drinking an hermit like personality,in my opinion, are depression, brouhgt on by CH .The alchol gives you an escape from it.When I was doing that,I hated drinking , but required it to cope with my anxiety. Anybody can walk in a liquor store and buy enough vodka, to kill your self,,but try and get a mild tranqulizer or a pain pill from a Doc,is damn near impossibe. I still drink,, but not because I hate the way I feel,,,not to hide from myself,and not during a cycle.Nothing is going to change for your husband untill he accepts , the problems and decides to change it himself.Personally, I was ready to eat a lead pill,, then figured ,hell, this is flat bottom , theres no where to go but up.Like runnig a marathon,, you feel the worst close to the end ,but don't quit 10 yards from the finish line , the worst is behind you.Throw away the crutches, and try and salvage your life. Its a hell of lot easier to throw away the crutches,(looking back on it).This is my opinion, I'm no expert, just from personel experince .Just trying to hasten your spouses recover if I am any where close to the target.