Capsaicum for CH/TN Headache

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Posted by Robert G. Frie ( on March 06, 2001 at 01:47:53:

In Reply to: a connection with capsaicum cream? Anyone? nt posted by annemarie on March 03, 2001 at 05:16:32:

Dear Annmarie:
In my 33 page report I used Capsaicum extensively. Capsaicum only works as a systemic on CH/TN. There have been at least two reports floating around that Capsaicum will "CURE" CH/TN. These reports are highly spurious. I spent much time trying to track them down with no success.
Columbus when sailing to the Americas used Hot Peppers, i.e. Capsaicum to stop tooth ache pain. Again, Capsaicum only provides temporary relief of CH/TN head pain. How it works. Between the Trigeminal Nerve and the cell tissue is a chemical called "Substance P." The Substance P chemical provides the pathway for the neural transmitters to relay all feeling from the skin cell tissue to the Trigeminal Nerve to the brain. What happens is that the Capsaicum temporarly depletes the Substance P from the cell tissue and inhibits the pain signal to pass through to the Trigeminal Nerve. Drawbacks are that if the Capsaicum gets in your eyes and it will, your eyes will close and you will be temporarly blinded until you can flush them out with water. The other problem is what is called REBOUND EFFECT. Prolonged useage such as in my case will case a reverse effect. In my case the REBOUND EFFECT through me into a deep state of depression. I hope this information "First Hand" is useful.
Sincerely Yours,
Rocky Frie

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