headaches after orgasm, usually not threatening

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Posted by annemarie ( on March 03, 2001 at 05:09:42:

In Reply to: Major head pain after orgasm... need information concerning this. posted by Anna M on March 02, 2001 at 23:59:51:

Hello anna,

there IS a known headpain specifically associated with sex, though I don't know if this is it in your case, of course.

My good book on headaches says the following:

If the pain is mainly in the back of the head and the neck, and if you get the same pain after e.g. sneezing or stressed bowel movements, you should go see a doctor. An MRI-scan should show if there is something wrong in the brain.

If apart from the pain there is loss of consciousness, vomiting or seizure-like attacks, call the doctor pronto; might be hemorrage in the brain.

Usually, though, HA after sex is completely benign.

HA may grow on one slowly during sex. Changeing one's posture or taking a rest is usually enough to break the spell. It is thought this pain is due to tension in neck and shoulders. It may continue for days, even.

Other causes may be a temporarily high blood pressure, it is thought. If you take Verapamil for clusters, but are out of cycle, you might benefit from a very low dose of the stuff before engaing in this activity.

A third, very rare, HA occurs at getting up after orgasm and has to do with the pressure of the fluid in the brain.

You can beat the first and second type by good deep breathing (thank you Sue). Check out the "ocean breathing" for natural birth; it works fine during sex and will, as Sue also said, enhance your sexperience.

Consciously relaxing your posture when you find you are being too cramped will subtract nothing from sex and will 9 times out of 10 prevent the headache.

Lastly, like cluster headaches, this is a thing men suffer from much more than women do.

Walk in beauty, annemarie

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