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Help us fight Cluster Headaches! Visit the O.U.C.H. Website!

Posted by TerryS ( on March 01, 2001 at 02:10:34:

This year friends we have a great task ahead of us. Steve Van Rees (stevevr) is our Liaison Committee chairman. Steve has put together some objectives that would help out everyone with cluster headaches.

The proplem is, we just don't have enough people to help! Were not asking for a computer wizard, but if you have a computer you can help. Maybe you know someone that knows someone that works in the Insurance Industry or friends
with someone in the medical profession you can help or someone in social services or been trying to get a disability because of your ch. you can help.

Cluster Headache Awareness week (chaw) We need people with some Ideas to help make this a yearly event. This could be a very powerful tool that would tell the world of our pain and suffering.

You don't have to member of OUCH, but I wish you were, but its OK if your not. We need minds and people willing to want to see a cure for cluster headaches! I don't think it would take up much of
anyones time. The more people we have the easier the job would be.

Please folks if you care even just a little you can help. TerryS


A little boy wanted a taste of molasses from the large barrel by
the door of an old-fashioned country store. He slid a box beside
the barrel, stepped up on it and leaned over the rim as far as
possible, stretching out his finger toward the sweet goo below.
He stretched and strained and toppled head-first into the barrel.

Dripping with molasses, he stood up, lifted his eyes heaven-ward
and was heard to utter, "Lord, help me to make the most of this
fantastic opportunity!"

A quality that some people possess is the ability to take
whatever life gives them and turn it into an opportunity. David
Boren must be such a man. The Oklahoma politician learned from
professional pollsters that he would most likely lose his
gubernatorial bid, and lose it big. The professional polling
agency he hired reported his strength to be about two percent of
the population.

His first reaction was to quit. But he finally decided to turn
his bad news into an opportunity. He told his listeners, "I had a
professional poll taken and it shows I've got great potential for
increasing my support!"

That sounded a whole lot better than it was! But he eventually
won the election and served as governor of the state of Oklahoma.

Will you accept the creative challenge to take what life gives
you and turn it into an opportunity? If so, watch out! Something
exciting just might happen!

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