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Posted by Raymond Rodriguez ( on February 22, 2001 at 01:14:55:

HI all, I am new to the cluster headache thing, actually I haven't been thoughly diagnosed, I have diagnosed my self by researching different symptoms and reading your guys posts, I used to get them about a one every year but on Feb. 2 I had my first for the year 2001 since then I have been getting them everyday lasting from 30 mins to 8 hrs, the pain is on my right side just behind my eye I swear that if I press hard enough I can touch it, it also is followed with nausea and vomiting, I also get very hot from my neck up, the funny thing is that my nose gets runny and get a build up of pressure in my right nostril, which I feel the pressure release then the pain is lessened then the pressure build again and so does the pain (I had a hard time explaining that I hope you guys understood that) I have to pace or fidget around until I can get to my car were I just sit there in very bad pain vomit a bit and force myself to sleep.

Since I changed jobs I have no medical insurance, so I cant see a doc, so I have to deal with over the counter drugs (meds) and what ever I can get down south (Mexico), so far I have been able to get relief from taking caffeine pills such as no doze but I have take approximately 600mg and then it takes a long time to take effect, and after the attack I am left wired for sound and I hate that too. Also I use Vicks nasal spray, which has helped to most I think because it helps with the control of my nasal pressure build up.

I would say just to suck it up and deal with but I cant, during my attack, I cant think of anything but death, to put me at ease, I tell my wife about it and she is worried but what can I do, the pain is to great.

I think ill go to urgent care when I get an attack tomorrow, and hopefully they can help, ill be sure to post what happens and if it helps, if I go. Id appreciate any help that you guys can give.

Thank you

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