Posted by Bob P on March 18, 1999 at 10:45:53:
In Reply to: Is this a CH posted by Dan on March 18, 1999 at 06:03:52:
Well, I'm gonna get hammered for this one but here goes. Brings up an interesting question. Over the past few months, as I've read the accounts on this page, I've wondered about the symptoms of CH and if everyone here really has it. Is CH restricted to the classic excruciating pain behind the eye, 30-120 minutes in duration, tearing eye, running nose, everything one one side of the head? I guess I harbor the selfish attitude that "I have true CH and a lot of you don't". I've read entries about constatnt HA. I've read entries made while the writer was having a 10 (impossible if you're having the same HA I do). Attacks in the back, top, side of the head but not around the eye. Are these variations of CH or some other type of HA? TMJ, tri-what-cha-ma-call-it neuralgia, tension, migraine? Is this why DR.s are reluctant to diagnose CH? Is it that we're all in pain, looking for answers and CH symtoms are close enough so that's what we've got? The description of chronic was new to me and because I've never experienced anything but episodic, I had trouble understanding why they would come once a week or three times a month, etc. Again probably my own self-pity (my pains worse than yours, no one suffers like I do).
I guess in the big picture it really doesn't matter. We're all in pain and the opportunity to share that and receive support is what this site is about.
Sorry if I offend anyone but sharing my selfish feelings will probably help me get past them. Thanks for indulging me.
Whatever we have, CH or something akin to it, we all deserve relief from the pain.
Luv you guys.