Posted by Major Headache ( on November 16, 2000 at 03:41:52:
In Reply to: Re: Marijuana and cluster headaches posted by donner on March 14, 1999 at 13:58:14:
As many or most CH sufferers know, triggers and causes of cluster headaches can be as varied and numerous as treatments. While mj may trigger episodes for many, it may also aid in taking much of the edge off, as it does for me. I have been having bouts with clusters for about four years now and have been prescribed everything from Vicodin to Lidocaine...Oxygen to Imitrex...and have, out of frustration and desparation, taken
matters into my own hands and sought out remedies that may actually work. For me, a few hits of herb
did far better than Imitrex (much cheaper too)and
took effect much faster than waiting for a pain pill to kick in. In most cases, the prescribed pain medications served only to give me a bit of a
'body buzz' but did absolutely nothing for the pain. After smoking cigarettes for nearly 20 years, i decided to quit to see if that might help
and lo and behold, it did...for about a year. I've had recurring bouts since then, but none as severe as my first year of 'living hell'. Quitting
cigarettes is a bitch but, compared to a couple years of cluster headaches, nicotine withdrawals are like a trip to Club Med. In short, try cutting
out tobacco and find what works for you...If,during the course of an attack, you're not completely debilitated and curled up on the ground in the fetal position, sobbing like a baby and praying for death to give you some relief, try a hit or two...After all, at that point, most are willing to try about ANYTHING.
I wouldn't wish cluster headaches upon even my worst enemy and I PRAY WHOLE-HEARTEDLY that all who suffer from this condition find relief,comfort
and peace...
God Bless you all and good luck.