Posted by Testy ( on November 04, 2000 at 06:13:19:
Almost everyone here has tried a wide variety of meds. Most of them will work for a few times to delay a cycle or abort an attack, after which it's time to move on to something else with a whole new range of side-effects. Some research centers are (finally) working to find the cause of CH, after which there will presumably be something that cures this. I doubt it. I have been trying Immigran to abort a CH and have finally made it work by upping the dose to 3 X 50mg. tablets. Where I live, those 3 tablets cost approximately US $35 and will allow me to sleep through the night. Average cost for 1 month is close to US $1,000. I will have to repeat this for as long as my cycles continue, possibly for the remainder of my life. Given the recurring revenue from us, why on earth would Glaxo or indeed ANY drug company try to find an actual cure? Personally, I do not think we should even be HOPING for a "cure," just something that helps us sleep and doesn't break the bank to buy.
Apologies for the downer post.