He shoots... He SKORS!!!!!

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Posted by Ted ( on October 30, 2000 at 03:24:36:

I don't know SKOR. I never sat down properly and talked to the man. What I have learned about him through this site is that he is on total disability because of these attacks. Now, say what you will about disability, but it's no way to come up with a strike-it-rich scheme. And yet he's willing to not only give up money for the rest of this year, but renew his membership in a couple of months.
Don't get me wrong. I was reading earlier about how volunteering or donating this or that is a good way to paticipate without actually joining. I agree with that. I mean obviously we will get nowhere without the numbers. But if you feel like you are to shy to join, or you have personal reasons why you can't put your name to OUCH, you can always volunteer or sponsor someone or do something else. I think if OUCH had such enthusiastic non-members there would be nothing to even discuss here. But there is something to discuss here. I was the education chairman for just shy of a year. I recently resigned. Not because our BOD isn't up to pace with Chrysler - grimeler, or whatever it is now. I resigned, quite honestly, because I heard enough about "I won't invest money but I will invest time" and then watching these good intentions pave the road to.... I am sorry if I sound the skeptic when someone says "I don't need to join. I'll volunteer." But if that's how you'll move this movement along, DO IT!!!!!!! Taking on a task does not equate with completing a task. If you have good intentions but no real ambition to complete something.... It's only $25 for crize sakes. But don't keep saying "tomorrow I will volunteer. Tomorrow is here. Pay your dues. Volunteer. Do something. This board is here for you regardless. But this is like voting. If you don't vote, don't complain. If you don't help OUCH someway, well,....

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