It is still legal in Florida...

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Posted by pinksharkmark ( on October 16, 2000 at 11:57:42:

In Reply to: Well stated indeed, however it is illeagle in Florida posted by sailpappy on October 16, 2000 at 11:23:21:

...according to several conversations I have had with Florida natives, although it may not remain so for long. The DEA is putting pressure on the Florida state legislature to adopt the harsher restrictions of the other states, but so far no action has been taken.

You are correct that if you are found trespassing in your search for wild-growing mushrooms in the state of Florida, you will be probably be prosecuted to the fullest extent that the TRESPASSING laws allow. That is because they CAN'T YET prosecute you for possession of mushrooms.

If you pick them on your OWN property, or are on another's property with his/her permission, there is nothing the police or courts of Florida can legally do.

I am puzzled at your insistence on seeing it as promoting drug use. I have repeatedly stated that relief can be had with SUB-HALLUCINOGENIC doses. I have repeatedly stated that it is typically necessary to do only a SINGLE dose per cycle, and might even lose effectiveness if taken more often than that. I have been very careful to give precise dosage recommendations so that people will NOT end up getting high. In fact, judging from the recent experiences of Flash, Q, August and Graham, my dosage recommendations have probably been a little TOO conservative for some people's systems.

A brief digression, here... psilocybin is classified as a "controlled substance", not as a narcotic. The law's definition of a "controlled substance" is "any substance for which there is NO CURRENTLY RECOGNIZED medical use."

If you honestly believe that my extremely cautious recommendations constitute "promoting drug use", rather than promoting natural herbal healing, then so be it. Indigenous cultures have been using these plants medicinally since before the dawn of recorded history, but I guess there is no point trying to change your mind.

I'm just glad that you are in the minority.


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