Posted by annemarie ( on September 30, 2000 at 05:07:57:
In Reply to: Desperate for some help and understanding for pain so bad I want to die. posted by Teresa Goetz on September 29, 2000 at 22:31:45:
that we all know what you're going through.
What's more, we all have developed ways of coping.
Husband - you can tell him on good grounds you don't have headaches but a neurological condition.
Check out the information for co-workers on the UKCH site - and make him read it. Very bracing for partners-in-life as well.
Pain meds - that's right, pain meds don't really help. For relief, have you tried Water x 3 (button on the left of the page), hot sauce under your tongue, hot hairdryer blowing against your temple or sitting with your head in the freezer or the car airco?
Have you checked the o2 treatment? Works wonders for some of us. Hit the search button top right for more information.
And try to get your doc to give you some other meds. The medical info button top left can give you lots of information to print.
Hang in there. We know how you feel, so we know you can survive.
Walk in beauty, annemarie