Posted by Tortuga on February 15, 1999 at 10:56:39:
I have noted in general a decrease in peak pain magnitude,
especially in the eyes, but like other drugs that did show
some effectiveness, my chronic headache symptoms
are more noticiably constant and widespread, even more two sided..
The main benefit of the Lithium is that I can for the most part keep
both of my eyes open for longer periods of time now e.g. when talking to
students, co-workers etc...strangers..It is still a terrible headache though,
as it was before, just shuffled arouind a bit, but am getting used to it.
The lithium seems to be really only
manipulating the pain..., as if the total cumulative pain stays the same,
its just being dealt out differently over the day.. I have noticed that the
two naratriptan tablets per week my Doc will still give
me to get through my lectures are no longer as effective ...
I have noted daily bouts of dizziness.
I stopped carrying my 2-yr old son up/down the stairs because
I was so nervous about dropping him.
Because of the decreased acute orbital pains and the potential to
control my physical expressions...I want to keep taking it..
but I also don't want to maintain this headache state any longer..
Is this how lithium will be expected to work. How effective can it be?
Is it time to increase the far do you go with this stuff?
....does wisdom say the Lithium will just prolong my pain, if its not knocking it out?
Lithium it the last drug on my Doc's list except sodium valproate..
any advice???
Hope you all are well and pain free, and for those of
us who aren't today... I really feel for you especially...