Posted by Todd ( on September 14, 2000 at 17:46:31:
In Reply to: Hey Q posted by Miguel on September 14, 2000 at 09:44:51:
I generally find your technical/scientific comments, observations and theories well thought out and interesting. I suppose that's why I'm so confused about this post.
First you add paranoia to your list of mental/emotional symptoms associated with CH and then you cite an example from your divorce which invalidates your own comments. I can't recall who originally said it, but if it's true (as in your phone being tapped and you being followed), it ain't paranoia.
Next, you expand your comments to draw conclusions about what someone else does or does not feel regarding comments posted about them here. First off, none of us can presume to know how anyone else might react. More importantly, it's presumptuous of any male to think he can comment on how a woman might feel about such things. I don't know about you, but walking past a construction site generally doesn't make me uncomfortable, although I've been told many women find it so.
Regardless of what August may or may not have been through in her life (not my place to know or comment upon), I can certainly understand how a single woman living alone might stay on guard in today's world.
As for checking IP's, who ever told you the Internet was anonymous? And, assuming you have nothing to hide, what difference does it make? Make obscene or threatening telephone calls and CallerID can trap you. Behavior such as that this board has seen will surely eventually lead to a similar technology concerning the internet, be it static IP's for everyone or some sort of additional tracking code integrated into our browsers.
August may well have reacted strongly to Antonio's post. I suppose I'd have preferred she did so in email, but I do understand the anger some of us can feel when people, particularly strangers or poseurs, post personal comments about us.
What I don't understand is how others can presume to understand what any of us are feeling regarding any post.