Posted by WaterDog ( on September 14, 2000 at 09:05:37:
Hi All,
As I rolled outa the bed this morning, I could tell it was cooler out side than in the house so I made the Coffee and opened the windows to catch a brezze and air out the "hole" My blacked out bedroom. Now it was early when i rolled out. It was still dark but as soon as the freshly brewed coffe smell made it way out the window and into the back yard, only hear a Deer Snort and to him it must mean the Smell of Danger (man has awoke) !!!!!! As I stood in the window I saw the whole Clan running down the hill they were under my persimmion tree spotted fawns and all! I poured a cup a java and went to listen the sun come up. When the sun comesup it makes a distict sound of life, the crows were first Comming off the roost to gravel in the road before a days chow, the dove then came and right outa the woods came the tukeys hens, all with there different chorus of peeps and chirps a screeches. As i took a walk around the corner of the feild i could see where a familly of racoons had been thinking about how to pick the lock on the Feed grain bin.The big bright yellow sunflowers have all faded to give way to the Thistles and Herculinum and Ragweed and all kinda little forbs and flowers I cannot identify. soon that field will be plowed and a dark green all Winter.
Yep the smell of fall is in the air a mixed blessing, cause its been over 18 months now since the last Cycle, I sure hope it gets Frezzeing cold this year I can deal with them so much better@ the coler temps. And I have my cacoon of Meds to wrap up in this time and eventhough I dread what will most probaly be a long healthy cycle,(fingers crossed it never arrives) I naturally get up early and listen to the Sun in the morning, I just hope I can still here the preatty sounds the morning sun brings.