Posted by Margaret G ( on September 09, 2000 at 20:49:27:
Still puzzling over why more aren't becoming members.
I'm not much of a "joiner" myself, mainly because I burned out decades ago.
But the structure of OUCH is so convenient.
No Meetings to Attend.
No Fund Raisers to Work On.
No Social Functions to Attend,(whether you're interested or not.)
No long discussions and votes on "our mission"
It seems to me to be hassel free, and as for the membership price..I paid more annual due decades ago than OUCH charges now!
In fact, if we were to become involved in a big campaign of any kind to further awareness, research, or whatever, we'd run out of funds very quickly!
It just seems to me, for a CH sufferer, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose.
While being involved is certainly desirable, it isn't mandatory. If one chooses to pay their dues and just read the newsletter and watch what others are doing for our cause, that is an option.
Lastly, the thing that greatly appeals to me:
Everyone is focused on the same goal!
First awareness, utilmately research, and if hopes and prayers are answered, a cure!
My thinking. I hope it is received as such!
Please give some earnest thought to increasing our membership, thereby our potential.
Thanks for hearing me out. Margaret G.