Posted by susan ( on September 09, 2000 at 04:48:40:
I have seen a neurologist, and another one, and then another one, as well I have a terrific doc who goes past normalcy to find answers for me and find them fast! My clusters do break, usually with cafergot! But by the time the drug wears off and I feel semi normal...BAM!!! During my cluster season I seem overly sensitive to everything! From perfume( including deodarant) to tomatoes to bright light to booze! Yet it always seems to change, every year, and some new trigger is added! I've heard some people have a cluster season of only a few short weeks but mine seem to like hanging around! We did try altitude changes, I went to Australia one year just before I was "due" but it still came! This year my doctor is sending me for another CAT although the pain is the same and only my left side is affected! But I do hope you are right and we will discover it is not clusters and there is a way to end this miserable pain! If so then I pray that the pain I am in is way worse than yours because if your pain is greater I just can't even begin to comprehend! I'll let you know
thanks! Susan