Posted by Geo ( on September 04, 2000 at 01:15:00:
The other day I went out and purchased some Hydrastis (Golden Seal)and Myrrh for a friend of mine who has bulllet wounds in his legs that are just taking too damned long to heal. I told him that what he needs is a blood cleanser and that Golden seal, used internally and externally, will aid in speeding up the process, as it has in my experience with cuts, infections and fevers. Doing a little bit of research, I was reminded that Golden Seal is helpful in regulating blood pressure. When my attacks first began years ago, I made a habit of drinking a preparation of Golden Seal and Myrhh, which did help a bit in calming the attacks, yet I was never consistent with this, as the attacks were so severe. I intend to give this another try and see if there's anything to be gained from it.
Some information:
The action is tonic, laxative, alterative and detergent. It is a valuable remedy in the disordered conditions of the digestion and has a special action on the mucous membrane, making it of value as a local remedy in various forms of catarrh. In chronic inflammation of the colon and rectum, injections of Hydrastine are often of great service, and it has been used in hemorrhoids with excellent results, the alkaloid Hydrastine having an astringent action. The powder has proved useful as a snuff for nasal catarrh.
The active ingredients in Golden Seal are alkaloids these alkaloids help reduce inflammation of mucous membranes It has been reported to lower blood pressure and stimulate peristalsis, along with also being anti-tussive (relieves coughs). Golden Seal helps with diarrhea, antibacterial, and stomach aches.
One thing I used to do it take some of the root powder and snuff it into the nostrilon the congested side to aid in breaking up the mucous. One of the greatest contributors to the pain of CH is the sinus congestion, and the end of an attack is usually marked by a breaking up and flow of mucous from the sinuses.
I'm wondering what the opiions and/or experience of others are on this issue.