Posted by Lars on May 27, 1998 at 19:45:37:
first of all, I am on Verapamil for the second day now.
It seems to start working at night. I only woke up briefly with a "small" cluster striking me.
I was hit by this cursed monster "only" for about 15 minutes instead of 2 1/2 hours.
But since most colleagues at work do not know about clusters, they started to give me strange looks, when I went to the office
to drop in my next sick note. My MD now kept me from going to work for the 4th week in a row.
He said, we should see first how I react to Verapamil.
When I talked to my boss I expained to her the diagnosis of cluster headache and all she said to me was:
"Oh, I read about them, they are said to be like hell. You better leave the sicknote and go home to get some rest."
Now I am here, trying to ignore the "shadow" behind my eye and will see, what tonight brings.
BTW: I didn't tell my boss, that I would prefer a vacation in hell to clusters, because she was so understanding....
Wishing you a painless time,