Posted by August ( on June 08, 2000 at 14:50:43:
In Reply to: My son posted by Karen on June 08, 2000 at 08:40:44:
I'm not a parent of a child, but a former child who used to get migraines at a very young age. I'll tell you about a game my sister used to play with me. We called it the pain game. It's where you do visual imagery to relax.
Get a icepack or hot cloth, whichever feels best for him and place it on his forehead or where it hurts worst. Then talk to him quietly and describe a place that you've been to before that he loves, or just a place that sounds soothing. Try to describe it to him and let him imagine himself there. This may sound dumb, but doing this can help him relax. By relaxing the pain is easier to handle. Stroke his head lightly, and just let him know your there and understand how much it hurts. This will all make it less scary.
Your a great Mom for seeking out help for him.