Posted by Phil Cornwell on January 18, 1999 at 12:46:15:
In Reply to: Is Cafagot being taken off the market posted by Barbara D. on January 16, 1999 at 18:42:01:
Tried to e-mail you but it bounced. I used Cafergot several years ago, tablets and suppositories. Actually, I think I've used about every migraine drug that there is!! The ACTIVE ingredients in Cafergot// Ergotamine Tartrate and Caffeine. There should still be many drugs available that are made of and or with Ergotamine Tartrate. Your Pharmacy "may" be telling you this because they don't want to get stuck with a drug that will probably expire on their shelf. I had a Pharmacy tell me that they "did not carry" Sansert. All they had to do was order it!! If you get to the book store (Barnes and Noble, etc.) find yourself a copy of the 1998 or 1999 PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) and look the drug up. The 1999 PDR might not be out yet. The most recent copy I have is 1997. Call around to other Pharmacies. As of 1997 Cafergot is available//
Tablets//bottles of 90, 250 and unit dose. Suppositories//Boxes of 12
Sandoz//1-201/503-7500 as of 1997. I thought that I had a 1998 PDR but cannot find it. Have you tried any of the "triptans"? Imitrex, Maxalt? Maxalt comes in an orally disintegrating tablet that you put under your tongue. Good luck in your search!!