Posted by Lance Valentich on May 24, 1998 at 18:18:30:
In Reply to: Choose your Neurologist Carefully posted by Jim Berry on May 24, 1998 at 10:57:52:
How right you are, Jim. When I started suffering from these in 1983 I went
thru 11 different neurologists. Most wanted to confirm the existance of a brain tumor.
After extensive testing and a 40k bill it was determined that I had
chronic cluster headache and none of them knew how to treat it. I had done some research
on the malady and was in most cases more knowledgeable about it than them. Out of desperation
I agreed at my wife's request to see her doctor (obst/gyn). I will never forget the hour in the waiting
room with 20 pregnant women staring at me. The doctor, Diane, explained that most headache research
at that time had been done on women for migraine and very little for men. She talked to me for over an hour
asking questions and making notes. Then she proscribed a diet specifically for migraines, gave me script for
painkillers, and told me to come back in 2 weeks.
When I returned she had found a neur. that had expierence with cluster and was also doing research on them.
he saved my life and office visits were $25. Some neur.'s seem only interested in the money and are willing to proscribe
the drug of your choice as long as your insurance pays the big bucks office visits. Anyone living in the Texas area reading this
contact me and I will give you the neur-in-the-know's name and phone. Warning, he now charges $45 a visit.