Posted by Marc on December 31, 1998 at 12:08:22:
In Reply to: Fighting for Oxygen posted by Jackie M. on December 31, 1998 at 11:42:20:
Hi Jackie,
I'm a devoted O2 fan as far as releif goes. I do have problems with getting them refilled, I currently use a lil drug store that supplies the refills, but the refills are only as good as the tank that they are refilling from so so I usually end up getting only a half tank refill at a time, which in practical sense can last less than a day. I am curious to know which HMO you are using and if they agreed to pay for refills or an "at home " service?
I am in the Chicago area and there are a great deal of services but most of them are expen$ive, so any insurance help would be great.
Any ideas or tips you have will help.
BTW in answer to your questions, I found that usually a minumum of 8 liters per minute work with the max usually being at 15, but I have never had it over 10, it becomes a lil uncomfortable for me if it is flowing to fast.
The other important part i found out is that you need to controll your breathing. Your first instinct is to suck with all your might and get as much O2 in as you can, but it works best for me if I can relax my breathing and take nice esy breaths, usually with my mouth closed so the only intake is through my nostrils. This works better than breathing through both the mouth and my nose. Also make sure you get an Oxygen mask that has one of the bag thingies hanging in the front. I have been told that it is dangerous to use the kind with out this because you wind up inhaling the carbon monoxide that you are exhaling ? (not sure if that is medically correct, but a paramedic told me this).
Anyway, I hope this info. helps.
A safe and Happy New Year to you too.