Links between CH and other specific compalints

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Posted by Flash ( on April 16, 2000 at 18:54:42:

I read this on a MVPS (mitral valve prolapse syndrome) site, and it makes a lot of sense to me.

Apparently it is common for people to suffer from more than one, and quite often all of the following:

MVP / MVPS (mitral valve prolapse or syndrome)
IBS (irritable bowell syndrome), also known as 'stomach migraine'
Hypochondria (I'm not being satirical or ironic, this is true)

I have all of the above. The IBS only started about 18 months ago. Both CH, IBS and hypochondria run in my family. I don't know about MVPS because most of those afflicted don't know about it.

They also think that MVPS may actually be a cause of hypochondria (now that is ironic isn't it - hypochondria has a fuckin cause!)

The symptoms of the others are:

IBS - flatulance, constipation, loose motion, feeling like a 'stich' on the LHS below the stomach (some people think their appendix is grumbline - wrong side!) Slight pain when urinating, pooping, or lift something heavy. During flare ups, it can be quite painful, but it's usually the fear of something more serious that lands people in bed, or leads to diagnosis. Onset can be at any age. Symptoms relieved by a healthy diet with regluar mealtimes, and avoidance of alchohol.

MVP/MVPS - fast pusle, often irregular pulse (both can even occur during sleep), individual responds poorly to exercise, chest pains, pins and needles in left or both arms/hands - especially after exertion, PALPI-fuckin-TATIONS (aaaargh I hate those bastards), anxiety attacks, sensitivity to caffiene and/or alchohol (cause palpitations). Cause appears to be genetic, sufferes are born with this, but are symptoms come and go.

Hypchondira - fearing you may be ill.

I first got palpitations when I was 6 or 7 years old. Then they went away for a while. The last 3 years I been bothered with them again. I've had to give up drinking coffee, and it's getting less and less worth getting drunk :(

Note that alchohol sensitivity is a common thread in the first three things.

I have heard theories about how one or more of these things are causes/symptoms of the others. Some people look at MVPS as being the cause of their headaches, some MVPS sufferes look at CH as being a symptom of their condition. Although that may make sense, I would refrain from drawing any conclusions. I think there is evidence that all those things may be linked, but perhaps there is some underlying cause for all of them. Perhaps it is genetic.

Hope this is of interest.

PS No mushrooms don't help the other complaints.


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