Posted by NickD ( on March 22, 2000 at 07:21:44:
Probably would be considered normal and no research would be done to cure it, but I guess that scenario is not that much different than the one we have today. Bugs me, the last time I took my kids camping, and that was years ago, everything was going great, this old man took first place in a swimming contest, kids were having a blast, a light rain, with over two hundred camp sites, then the camp fires started with that nasty black smoke, must have been over 1,000 people, but just this one idiot (me) had to get a double CH from this, kids were at the dance, tried walking away, but dad couldn't take it anymore, please kids, I have to leave meaning all of us, maybe if all 1,000 had a CH, that would be different and the fires would have been put out, not bad having just one fire least there is an upwind to go to, but you couldn't see two feet in front of you due to the black smoke at this camp ground, so for a CHer to survive, has to be somewhat anti-social. Couldn't least 51% of the population have CH's?