Posted by Elaine ( on March 07, 2000 at 14:29:00:
We all complain about cluster and we all ask questions such as why don’t doctors understand? Why is nothing being
done to help us? Ect..... Months ago a few people on the site got together and said we have had enough! We want to see
a cure or at least something that helps. We want people to understand our pain, we relised it wasn’t going to happen by
siting on our butts complaining. So we all got together and made OUCH a Organization For Understanding Cluster
The Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches, (O.U.C.H.), is an international, not-for-profit organization.
O.U.C.H. serves people with cluster headaches, their families and other individuals and institutions affected by the
affliction, including, but not limited to, the medical community, researchers, drug companies, insurance companies,
schools and employers. The organization is essential for establishing public awareness of cluster headaches and
coordinating the support of its mission and goals. O.U.C.H. is dedicated to help improve the lives of those with cluster
headaches by providing information, support, physician referrals, counseling and volunteer opportunities for people
with cluster headaches and for their supporters. The organization will serve the public as an educational resource for
those concerned about cluster headaches and their effects. O.U.C.H. advocates for the rights of those with cluster
headaches and for public policy and legislation that supports our mission. The organization strives to improve the
quality of life for people with cluster headaches and their families.
As Bob P said in a earlier post we need members and we need volunteers for different committees, remember to be a
volunteer you must be a member of OUCH ect... People its not going to happen if we don’t all help in some way. We
can fuss and complain till we are blue in the face on this board and to each other and never get any where. OR we can
jump on the band wagon and shout to the world! Its up to us to get it done!
If you want to volunteer contact Bob P or me ! We will put ya to work ! If you want to donate money or become a
member send to :
807 E. Broadway
Gladewater, Tx 57647
If you want to help by volunteering then email Bob P at OR me
We would also be interested in knowing what you would like to see OUCH accomplish ! You can
post to this with what you would like to see done! Lets do this thing people lets make it work.
Lets help these people who have worked so hard theses last few months for us!