Posted by NickD ( on March 07, 2000 at 09:35:12:
In Reply to: I am new here posted by Jamie on March 07, 2000 at 08:04:34:
the 3rd degree on whether I have migraines or clusters, it's like if you have migraines, get your ass off of here, not everyone is this way, just a few, ironically these same people push the medications that were developed particulary for migraines that I have had zero success with so I suspect these people are migraine sufferers or else these medications would not be so sucessful and because they found this site a couple of months before the rest of us did, they think they are some kind of god and have the right to police, in the same respect CH suffers loose sleep, I had a bad night and perhaps short tempered now or I would not be typing this so you can take these comments with a grain of salt, think CH sufferers besides the CH's have other problems, job stress, family stress and so forth, can't get a good nights sleep, fear of another attack, and it isn't over in a week but goes on for years, was told at one job, take a week off, go see a doc and get well, then come back kind of thing, how can a person deal with this day in and day out?
Some on this site are darn good, spend a lot of time looking up the technical aspects of this disease or condition and are of a huge help, the average GP hasn't even heard of a CH, so I guess if you get the 3rd degree, ignore it, I would just think that any person that suffers with CH and knows the severe pain and trauma associated with this condition would show a little compassion and even give the benefit of the doubt, seems like you can't go anywhere today without running into assholes, that's why they invented that word, these assholes can bash me too, suffered from CH's for 22 years without this broad and can still suffer another 22 years without it, but I believe you have clusters, should we start our own broad?