To All CH Sufferers, Please Read

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Posted by Tucson x 2 ( on March 05, 2000 at 00:50:52:

Hey fellow CH people. Wish you didn't have to be in this "group", I really do! Best to all, good luck.
The reason I am adding this post is to tell all who may be interested that I have created a CH chat area in AOL chat site. It will be under "special interests" & you will have to hit "list more" to find it. Hope this will be of help to some & I hope you will join me anytime 24-7 as I will check in often. I understand this has a site (that I know )but I have a real different schedual & can't seem to get in that one at times listed. Thanks very much for your time it took to read this.
Tucson x 2 :-{ )

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