Posted by Jim on November 17, 1998 at 00:15:41:
I would like to say that it is great to have found this web site, but in all truth it scares the hell out of me.
I have had cluster headaches for 5 years now and to read all of these heartfelt stories of people who have had them for 25 yrs almost makes me lose all hope. I have never felt pain like I feel when I get these h/a's.
They have torn a huge rip in my family. My wife, God bless her, has put up with more stuff from me than any wife should have to, but through it all she has been by my side to take care of me. Lets take a minute to thank God for the people that try to make our life worth liveing. If it wasn't for her, I would have given up a long time ago. My prayers go out to all of us who suffer from these, or as a result of these, headaches.
I would love to hear from anyone r.e. these life crushers. I can only draw strenght in the hope that someday there will be a certain cure for these headaches. Now besides a cure my only hope in life is that they do not maninfest themselves in my beautiful children, for as much as it hurts every time I get one, I would gladly take the pain on for my children so they would never have to feel this. May God help us all to make it through.