Posted by Miguel ( on February 06, 2000 at 12:01:34:
Well, it seems that I come up with one of these every few minutes. Clearly, with all the posters and ppl that watch
but do not post, I think that we can get some ideas together (as in a starting point). The idea of looking a bit into this came from
Mr. "Q". He might be onto something. For statistical purposes viewers, and not out of disrespect, this question is merely a
lead :).
This questions are aimed at the female members of the onlookers and posting participants alike. I am aware that according to
some statistics women apparently constitute around 30% of the CH afflicted. However, there are some unique conditions that
are not pertinent to men, yet may hold so interesting "coincidences". If you rather e-mail, as a form of privacy instead of
posting, please feel free to do so:
Did you ever have a CH episode during pregnancy?
1) If so, do you recall at what stage? 1st trimstr, 2nd trimstr or 3rd trmstr?
2) Did your CH episodes stop, dimish, exhibited lower intensity, or were they in any way different than prior to/after pregnancy?
If you noted a change in #2 above in any way; At what stage? 1st trimstr, 2nd trimstr or 3rd trmstr?
Same question as above during nursing, if you did.
The next question(s) is/are for those that regularly take contraceptives
Do you experience any difference in CH episodes/or Chronic strength, duration, or any other difference in CH attack(s) during
either of the time periods in which the contraceptive is divided (i.e.: worsen or lessen during the "blank pills" time, or during the
first 3 or 4 days where the new cycle of "active" contraceptive is taken")?
For those that stoped using the pill as a contraceptive; Have your episodes or severity of attacks (chronic or episodic) lessened,
worsen or changed in any way?
Again, if you prefer e-mailing your responses instead of posting, please go ahead:
Thank you for your responses,