Posted by gary ( on January 30, 2000 at 18:39:33:
In Reply to: White Men Can't Jump.... posted by Jack on January 30, 2000 at 14:59:25:
as far as I can tell, from reading kabillions of CHMB posts over nearly 2 years AND from the other survey site (that went inactive but is still acessable for read-only)and,,and,,........
1. Stereotype: mostly a male affliction
CH is definitely a predominantly male affliction -
that means MOSTLY men -
(it DOESN'T mean women don't get it - of course they do, even 1 in 3 is still a pronounced minority, and I think it's more like 1 in 4)
2. Apt to be heavy drinkers -
NO question about this - we have "had this out" 100 times on CHMB,
and as someone who has been VERY involved in studying alcohol abuse issues for nearly 20 years, I can assure you -
take the folks on CHMB who pick up the challenge & defend their drinking vigorously
( the need to defend it is a sure sign of alcohol abuse, like it or not - true "social" or "occasional" drinkers don't think about or care about the issue),
then add the folks who willingly admit they used to have a problem and have quit because of it (which is EXTREMELY high on CHMB by the way) - you come out WAY WAY WAY over the general populaton % of "drinkers"
(nothing in that says alcohol causes CH. nothing says all CH people are heavy drinkers, so - in advance - lighten up)
3. apt to be heavy smokers -
in my opinion, ANY smoking is heavy smoking, (which I finally figured out after finally quitting 6 or 7 years ago) and so on with most of the "stereotypes" - FRANKLY I DOUBT there are many slender, 5' 6" midgets -oops, short guys - oops - well, you know what I mean, and if there are 5 or 10 out of a 100 CHers, it STILL doesn't disprove the characteristics as a population tendency, which is what they are put forth as to begin with
I know - everybody immediately screams: "nobody's worse than an EX smoker about quitting" - could be, but doesn't make us WRONG - just obnoxious
but to try to be objective- Todd mentioned a figure of 45% smokers - that is also WAY WAY WAY high, (unless you're in France) so yeah - APT to be heavy smokers
who are "naturally" temperate, and have nice even yuppy complexions, that have CH