Posted by gary ( on January 13, 2000 at 12:48:18:
In Reply to: why benadryl?? posted by karen on January 13, 2000 at 07:41:02:
many years ago I discovered that Benadryl
(diphenydramine) both helps to moderate the overall cluster and works frequently as an attack abortive
I get the supermarket generic - it will be labelled different things, but the name will usually be some derivative of the chemical (our supermarket brand is called "diphedryl")
read the label
don't get combination forms - JUST the diphen....
it sems to be fairly benign, as far as drugs go
and I always try to stay with the "lightest" drugs possible for whatever state my CH is in
it works as a sleep aid - which of course helps given the tremendously fatiguing nature of CH
it also works to help shorten & lessen the individual attacks
ESPECIALLY the liquid version - our generic comes in 4 oz bottles -
it seems to get "on board" a lot quicker
use it at night a lot, especially when I don't have oxygen-
for me (slightly over 200#) it takes about 1/3 bottle to be effective
be sure to check with your dr, especially if you're taking any other meds
hope that helps some