Posted by Stuart Sauntson ( on January 11, 2000 at 07:19:26:
I have suffered from bad........ very bad headaches for about 25 years. Since i am only 35 thats a long time. I have been told by docs in the past that I was a migraine sufferer and tried all the medications for migraine with no success. Now that I am older and also work in the neurology operating theatres of our large teaching hospital I have been able to get more investigations doone and the Docs now twll me i have cluster headaches. About 5 times a month i get this headache which starts off slight just above my right eye and usually gets worse as the day goes by. My head feels hot and my eye runs sometimes but not always. The pain gets so bad that it hurts to think, breath or smile. I walk around for ages hoping for the pain to stop. They last usually until the next day when i feel like my head is full of cotton wool. If any of you have any suggestions or thoughts onif these are CH please write and let me know.