Posted by Elaine ( on January 08, 2000 at 22:15:23:
Last night I had three clusters. The first one I was about a 7 on the kip scale. I took a 1/3 of a imitrex shot in 15 minuites it was gone. The second one came about a hour and half later same amount of pain took another 1/3 of a shot pain gone in 15 minutes as always. Then about a hour another one woak me up it was a 10 in pain. Again I took 1/3 of a shot and it did not work it lasted a hour. Has this ever happen to you. Should I have taken a whole shot on the last one.
Should I have taken a 1/3 again when I saw it was not working, or did I do right to just ride it out. This was the first time it did not work. I would be greatful for any advice on this.