Posted by Chana ( on December 02, 1999 at 11:36:44:
In Reply to: Things That HELP in addition to drugs - VERY long article posted by gary (have been CH patient for 30 years) on December 02, 1999 at 00:24:56:
Gary, I think your analysis of our malady is right on target, as well as your coping mechanisms. I have tried many of your ideas, but find the cool, private place where I can get "outside" of my pain is the best.
You are so right about the panic/pain syndrome too. In the beginning of each cycle, I find that I'm unprepared to cope again with my pain and that my pain becomes out of control. After a while, I have my drill down pat, and proceed accordingly.
I, thankfully, have learned to go on with my life, in between HAs, and to enjoy each day. It's funny but I am almost in an *elated* state whenever I'm pain-free, and I think sometimes people may see that as being manic, as opposed to just being darn happy to be feeling good.