Posted by Debbie ( on November 22, 1999 at 00:27:57:
Hi there. I am the daughter of a cluster sufferer.
My dad has been suffering for 33 years (from age 23) and
he has headaches EVERY day. We live in Cape Town,
South Africa and I have just found this site. I cant
tell you what this has done for my dad. He was the
only one we had ever heard of before. (and the doctors
here really lack understanding) A neurologist recently
told my dad that he is just getting migranes and to stop
being such a baby. RIGHT! Bet if she had grown up with
him, seen him uproot trees, tearing furniture apart with
his bear hands, pick up fridges on his own (just to
distract him) she may change her mind.
My dad takes pethedine shots (instant relief)but since
it is a schedule 7 drug, very difficult to get it
prescribed. (Especially when the doctors really dont
Anyway, I cant thank you enough for this site. It is
such a treasure in this midst of such an unpleasantness.
Regards, Debbie