Posted by Elaine ( on November 21, 1999 at 18:17:53:
In Reply to: Happy Thanksgiving! posted by Elaine on November 21, 1999 at 13:43:46:
Thanks Everyone!
Now look I am going to be just fine Bob and all of you have talked to the man up stairs! God told me he was not ready for me to move to heaven just yet. Said all the Angels have voted a hundred times they keep getting a tie vote. God said it was going to take years to break the tie. What do you think that means? Oh well it looks like you people and my family are stuck with me a while longer.
Plus the doctor has a thing for me. We are on a first name bases yep he calls me Elaine and I call him Dr. You know he will take good
care of me. The Dr. has a good thing going he cops a feel and gets thousands of dollars for it. I am a sleep and don't even get to enjoy it. I just hope I wake up with both boobs the same size!
Thank you all for the wishes and prayers. My family will keep you all informed about my progress. Thanks for being here for me the last six months its been wonderful. I wish I had the words to say how whats in my heart but they won't come to me right now.
Drummer you and Laurie picked me up out of the gutter and gave me a fresh start Thanks
Todd you have been a wonderful friend always ready to chat with me and taught me to dream again! Thanks
Margi and Mike both of you always there for me keeping me going day after day! Thanks
Bob P my best pin pal never missed a Monday or Friday writing! Thanks
Hub you have been a great inspiration you taught me a lot! Thanks
Amanda you gave me my only plane ride showed me heaven ! Thanks
Barbara D always there knew when I needed you! Thanks
Cathy you taught me more than you will ever know! Thanks
Kip and Judy your kindness was wonderful!thanks
Jeff for lunch and the emails! Thanks
Steve for a lovely visit ! Thanks
Benie for all your pryers! Thanks
Ted for the fake fight and for being my friend and late night chats! Thanks
Gary G for all the post and emails ! Thanks
Ick a bob I miss you but remember the night in chat! Thanks
Joe Stone your post and emails taught me alot
Ricardo your icq visits thanks
Carl when you wrote me and told me you were happy you made my day! Thanks
Doug my man that always had a nice word for everyone! Thanks
George on my icq man who could make me smile fast ! Than
Claire thanks for all the joy you brought to my computer.
I wish I could name all of you for the mail and prayers But Dj would kill me the room it would take! I love you people and will miss you all
DJ you know your the greatest ! Thanks dude for such a loving home, thanks for everything! Thanks for taking care of me in New York!
I hate this bye for now