Posted by Ken on October 06, 1998 at 01:46:19:
After spending many nights reading messages here during my last cycle of clusters which ended mid-May, I wanted to get back and tell all how I got out of the cycle. I'm 33 and have had classic clusters since 24, generally 3 months of intense clusters and then 6 months to 14 months off. About 5 weeks into my last cycle last Spring, Dr Gary Mellick, whom I met on this message board, perscribed for me Prednezone (high dosage tapering off to low), Dialantin (sp?) and Verapamil. I basically begged him to help me out and "try anything" as my doctor had no new ideas. This was on Friday afternoon after I had already had two headaches that day. I felt only a little lousy on Saturday. That was mid-May. I haven't had a headache since. I took the medications for only about 10 days. I ENJOY the freedom to have a beer or two a couple of times a week. (if you have clusters, you understand the signifigance) Even more unlikely, I'm again a fan of good cabernet (red wine).
Email me and I'd be happy to help you get in touch with Dr. Mellick who, by the way, made not one red cent from me. I'd also be happy to give you details of the exact dosage and routine of the drugs he gave me.
Best of luck. I know this sucks and I don't look forward to being in another cycle whenever that comes.