Verapamil and 'triptan at the same time - help

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Posted by Edward on October 03, 1998 at 07:02:39:

Does anyone know if it is unsafe to take verapamil and rizatriptan (Maxalt) at the same time.

Also - to UK sufferers, has anyone had any success in getting 8ltrs/min oxygen sets - it doesn't appear to be very easy?

I should be grateful if you answer to my email ( as well as posting.

Tip: I have found that h/a is worse when I lie down, rub my neck too much and generally thrash around. I now use a simple form of meditation and it keeps me calm and seems to shorten (a bit!) the length of a severe h/a bout. The meditation I use is the same as TM (sitting in a chair with eyes closed repeating a short word like "one" to youself.

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