Posted by Denise ( on October 07, 1999 at 16:35:18:
Well this is my third time writing this post,trying to get the courage to ask a simple ????.Just to let you know in signing the guess book I said I have musle tention headaches,on top of that I have cluster's too.I read the post the other day took it kinded personal to because I too am new to the board,I was going to give you my history of how I know I have these type of headaches but after twenty years and six of them mislead by migrians explaining to a new doc. until I can get into seeing the neuro.that gives me the imitrex, I did'nt need to feel I have to prove any thing to anyone here because I have the same discribed pains you all do.Thanks to a neuro. that explained to me about clusters and about some different meds. that work for cluster headachs,I sure don't mean to be so harsh to any of you please don't take it that way.But I am about to finsh my seventh week,pisssd off that it's normally only six,Bryan's B-day today hope I can do it with out a headache. I do feel like this place is for me because when Bryan read through the migrain board that was not the kind of headaches I have,But you would have thought he had hit a gold mine when reading the same pains you all have discribed here that I have the same kind of pain so to the post"someone has to say it"thank's for the warm welcome,to me,to my family,and thank's D.J. for money well spent,Sorry if I write to much won't take up board space much,unless I have any ????,about meds. or to offer support when someone needss it like I had to a few time's. also have asked the kids to stay off it because they don't need it as much as others do, they have family they can express there feelings to.This board space can be used for ?? and answers and not for them to chat on.Now that I have that off my chest, dare I say mind, I have no mind any more, just pain in my head, Bryan say's eleswhere???.My ??? is, I just started the tablets of Imitrex took it like the doc. said right when I feel the pain and it did back off.But the next moring the pain woke me up tryed the tablet again and it did nothing for me took another after two hours of pain it did bring it down where I could deal with it at least.But still there some, not bad ,but still felt that it could go up at any time.When taking the Injection the pain goes away within ten to fifteen min. and feel pain free until the next one hits, not a lingering pain like I got off the tablets.Any Sugestion's.Thanks again to all.I wished I could say, I do not have clusters, but you discribe my pain without knowing me .So I Guess I'm at the right Place,Feeling your pain and you feeling mine.Thanks A bunch,Didn't think I would thank people so much for having the same headaches that I do,Does that sound crasy or what.Denise