Posted by shawn ( on October 05, 1999 at 01:57:30:
i have only recently found this site, sd msny og you long termers cam see, but i want you all to know just how appreciative i am. i do not know any other ch suffers nor does my fiance, who has suffered emotionally with me for 5 years. somehow i feel like i have found a family who knows what i mean when i say i am in pain. knows what i mean when i say my doctors dont understand. knows what i mean when i say i feel weak as a man, that i cant controll this pain. i am so glad if found you all. you all gave me the strength to walk into my doctor and say "i know what works give it to me, srew your malpractice insurance" thank you all. i have alot to contribute to anyone who needs it,can reach me as a friend at sullygride@aol. i can relate to it all the embarassment, the frustration, the general lack of understanding by friends and workers i will be here for whatever, again thank you all