Posted by Michelle C. ( on August 26, 1999 at 14:45:35:
In Reply to: MICHELLE C - WHERE ARE YOU - PLEASE E ME posted by Anthony Chappell on August 26, 1999 at 06:12:38:
I stand by my earlier post (8/23). Click below and I think it will allow you to review what it said. I just don't choose to have private communication through email or any other way with someone who, provoked or not (in this case, NOT), makes a veiled threat to me and says some pretty awful stuff about this board in general and to some people on it. Whether some of what you said was justified or not, I don't know, but I DO KNOW I did nothing to deserve your wrath.
I will try to respond to reasonable questions publicly.
You wondered about how I was, " . . . able to E-mail an entire web page." I really didn't email it to you, what I did was place the web site address in the "Optional Link URL:" section which is just below the comment box in the follow-up section of each post. The web address is the "http://www.blahblahblah" section at the top of your screen when you're on the web.
As far as storing the web page in your memory and sending it to people, you'll have to save it to your computer. Obviously, I don't know how to save on your particular computer via your particular provider, I suggest you find a friend who know about this or hire someone to give you some lessons on how to use your computer and on how to navigate the web. It will be very useful to you.
Please DO SHARE all of what you're learning about "curing" migraines WITH OTHER MIGRAINE sufferers. You have some valuable information. All you need is to find a website that will fully appreciate it and benefit from it.
Michelle C.