Posted by Jim on May 02, 1998 at 12:25:54:
In Reply to: NEW/OLD CLUSTER HEADACHE MEDICATION posted by DR. JOHN DOE on May 02, 1998 at 11:39:06:
Why don't you try a trial on Diflucan it cured my clusters four years ago and the couple of people who have tried it so far on the web here have also lost their clusters. Now that would be something to try. What have you got going something to mask the symptoms and not cure the problems. What do they teach you in school anyway? Oh yeh one more thing there is a book out there called the Yeast Connection read it and see how Candida can cause headaches the link just hasn't been made yet to Clusters but the common sense of it all should be self evident to a highly educated person such as yourself. Who knows this might make the pain go away for alot of people, oops then what would you do for a living?