Posted by Dan on August 26, 1998 at 13:13:38:
I'm a new sufferer of clusters. It's been about four weeks now. My Dr. has me on Prednisone and Sansert with Stadol spray in case of a breakthrough. Sometimes, I'll go a day without a H/A, but it always comes back. Even when the full-blown H/A isn't there, I can still feel the "threat"of one lingering at the spot where it always starts. It's always there. This is frightening and prevents me from going anywhere or doing anything because I don't want to be stuck somewhere away from home with a cluster. How does everyone else who has this "threat" deal with it and feel confident about doing normal things and avoid being a shut-in? I just don't feel like myself. I'm very down about it and my family and friends have really noticed it. I've lost about 10 pounds in the last two weeks and I even look terrible to myself. I just want to be able to power through the threat of another cluster attack.
Thanks for listening.