Posted by Debbie ( on August 02, 1999 at 02:29:20:
Hi, All
Doctor gave rich methadone to try. Started taking it on
Thursday He contimues to get ch's Althoug he said that
he feels alittle better..He felt good enough to get out
of the house. went out for about 1 hour .When he came home he was
real tired. But he stills felt better than he was feeling a week ago.
I was curious to know if anyone else has tried this?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
About my other post.
I would love to take time for myself.
Its difficult betweem work and kids and Rich.
I maybe wierd.. But I don't like to impose on people.
I have always offered. And figured if people wanted to help
they would offer it. otherwise I might be rude in asking for help.
I know it sounds funny but really that is the way iv'e been.
When Rich has a doc's appt I try to schedule it when
the kids are in school or day care. If not I have to
ask my mother in law.. Its hard for her to watch both kids
for long time..Other times I have taken the kids with us.
But pretty soon I know there will be a day where just let myself go...
It would be so great just to be able to scream all my feeling out to
someone who understand.
Any supporters In Riverside, CA want to have a talk (scream) fest???
Actually I'm doing better..hahahaha..
I took one of Rich's ativan...At least my stress level
doesn't feel that high.
Yesterday-Rich reminded me that it was his moms B-day could I have forgotten it?
Usually I always try to plan special things for birthdays. Prepared or not
I was to make this a nice B-day.
Got the house cleaned, washed some cloths, went grocery shopping, bought
party goods, got a cake, decorated the kitchen, cooked a nice dinner.
and was done by 5 oclock..cleaned kitchen and was able to get in here by 9:45.
And people wonder why im tired..not by choice alot of times..
Anyways, thanks again for letting me talk.
I have taken what you all have written to heart and I pray
that I can use your advice. I Know I need to be strong and voice my
needs but I've always put the needs of other above mine..
I just don't know how to let go when I see that others need help..
love, hugs and kisses :}
Praying everyone has a peaceful night.