Posted by Bernadette ( on July 30, 1999 at 13:18:43:
In Reply to: I hope it's ok if I vent a little......I need to tell someone who understands posted by Susan D on July 30, 1999 at 11:22:28:
Dear Susan,
I can totally understand your frustrations right about now and I want to say just a few things to you. I know how difficult it is to go to the doctors and not get results, I am going through the same sort of thing myself. I should first explain to you that the reason why your neuro needs to give you the imitrex is because they have to monitor you first. When I went in to get my shots I had to wait there for two hours after getting the shot so that they can check your blood pressure and other vital signs. I guess with some people imitrex can kill so I can assure you that your doctor is only looking out for you best interest (I PRAY that he/she is).
Now for your mother-in-law. I have one of those and we don't even speak. She is probably one of the most evil people that I have ever met but do you know what I do? I pray and then put it into the Lords hands. Yes it does hurt that she doesn't care for me but I know that she has issues that she must deal with for herself and I just let it go. I know it may seem hard to do but when your mother-in-law starts talking to you as if you are a three year old just say, "Ok, yes, I know, oh really, you don't say, well, um um um", then you can say "Oh hold on a moment, I'm not sure but I think someone is outside, I need to get off the phone". You see your actually not lying to her because there is always someone outside. LOL I do not approve of lying but in situations where you need to get some relief, hey you have to do what you have to do. I am glad that you decided to tell someone what you were going through but always remember God is by your side and he is always listening, so when you get down and out cry to him, he will answer if you believe.