Posted by ScottL ( on July 15, 1999 at 11:59:53:
In Reply to: GINGER ALE posted by Donald on July 15, 1999 at 04:47:46:
The ginger used medicinally is from the root of the ginger plant, Zingiber officinale. Many of its properties
and uses are described in the herbal literature of India and China. Recently, ginger root has received some
medical attention as being useful in treating nausea and motion sickness. Ginger capsules or a cup of
ginger root tea seems to allay nausea.
Two clinical trials also indicate that ginger can be very helpful in relieving the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, via
its action as a safer alternative to non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.
Ginger root is a digestive stimulant. A warm cup of tea made by boiling a few slices of root in a cup or two of
water can be drunk about 30 minutes before meals. Ginger is also a diaphoretic (ie. it causes sweating),
and it seems to help in circulation and in warming the body when we feel cold, as can happen in winter.
Also ginger acts as an antioxidant and may help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. It also inhibits platelet
aggregation, a factor contributing to atherosclerosis and clotting problems. Ginger is both an energy and circulatory stimulant.
Ginger root tea is also used as a compress for sore muscles or congested areas of the body.
Ginger root can be used in cooking, too, or as a tea with other herbs. It is a very helpful and safe herb. For increasing body heat, one
or two capsules of ginger root powder can be taken once or twice a day for about a month. Cayenne pepper can also be used in this
Used with permission from Dr. Elson M. Haas, author of Staying Healthy With Nutrition.