Posted by DocGreg ( on July 12, 1999 at 18:48:20:
In Reply to: Cluster Headache in Pregnancy posted by Xavier Ocampo (Mexico) on July 12, 1999 at 13:28:22:
You are right to be concerned. Many of the cluster headache medication can be harmful when pregnant. Lithium is associated with serious heart malformations. Verapamil is not recommended (though not completely contraindicated), prednisone has some plus/minus effects that would have to be discussed at length with your doctor. Imitrex is not well studied...but I would be very cautious.
One thing about pain medications. Do not take Advil, alleve, aspirin, motrin, or, frankly, any of the over the counter headache these can all cause a vital part of the babies heart to close down. Tylenol is the only safe, over the counter medication to take during least without direct supervision of your doctor. Narcotic pain meds are usually OK when used appropriately.
Hydration is always important in pregnancy. Excessively large volumes could, potentially, deplete the body of needed salts...and complicate the pregnancy. I warn you...Jerry is not a doctor, to the best of my knowledge...people simply are calling him Dr. Jerry because the water treatment has helped so much. Drinking a lot of water...with a well balanced diet, and normal kidneys would, in all likelihood, be safe...but I'm not aware of any studies relating large water intake and pregnancy. Be careful.
Fortunately...most headaches during pregnancy resolve...or improve...after delivery. Hormones play a huge effect in headaches...especially in women. Tell her to hang in there the best she can.
Oxygen is a good idea if she has been diagnosed with clusters. Not helpful in migraines (and actually harmful in some types of migraine). Make sure you discuss this with your doc.
Can be horrible having problems and being you don't want to do anything to harm the baby...but don't want to have the mother suffer, either. Work closely with your doc...and check with him/her as you go.
Good luck