Another tactic re: Ins Co's & oxygen

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Posted by gary g ( on July 09, 1999 at 14:41:22:

Hi fellow clusterheads !
Hope you're in remission today
If not in remission, hope the attacks aren't too bad
If really bad, hope they're widely spaced
If you're having a lot of bad ones.......
just got done with a long letter to someone, put this paragrapgh in it, realized it might be good for the msg bd - hope it helps
Here's another good good arguing point:
Most insurance companies will pay $30,000 (at least once) for an alcoholic to go to a month's rehab program to get sober - something any drunk CAN do by themselves, free, if they really want to, thru AA, with at most a 3-4 day hospital detox for the physically worst cases. PLUS the Ins Co's will pay gillions of $$$$ for treatment of smoking caused illness.

BUT they won't pay for pure oxygen, for our extremely disabling, life-ruining disease, which research is now showing is a true organic disease related to distinct physical/congenital conditions, which usually CAN'T be reliably helped any other way than oxygen for most, and imitrex for some, patients.

Look 'em & the eye and demand they explain THAT, when they make their advertising pitch about trying to contain health care costs while helping people help themselves ! If necessary, threaten to take that same argument public in a focussed campaign to embarass them into funding proven CH relief.

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