Posted by Todd ( on July 08, 1999 at 20:33:32:
Ok, here's another of my cockeyed theories. Torri's comment from the Dr. about REM triggering CH's due to lack of oxygen got me thinking about this.
After 16 yrs of CH, this last cycle is the first time I've ever been awaken by the demon in the middle of the nite. He's roused me early in the am, but usually no more than an hour before I planned to get up. This time, the lil bastahd got me every couple of hours.
Now for the theory---
As I recall from my 2 psych courses in college (back in the Dark Ages), people don't dream until they reach REM. Well, I never dream. This indicates that I don't reach REM, although lack of REM leads to sleep deprivation and I don't have CFS. Sooo, perhaps I only 'sorta' reach REM, and this trait is what has kept the demon at bay in the dark hours of night.
Okay, so now you know why Harvard Med School hasn't funded any research into my theories, but I thought I'd toss it out on our pond and see how long it takes to sink.
Keep the shiny side up